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How C2PC works
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A quicker way to enter business cards

C2PC works by providing recipients of your business card with an electronic version of your contact details which they can import into their electronic address books. Your contact details get stored on a C2PC server, and you are assigned a unique C2PC web address which can be printed on your card. When a person wants to put your contact details into their address book, they simply type your C2PC web address in, and then directly download your contact details in electronic format.

C2PC web addresses are designed to be ultra short. A typical C2PC address is only 14 characters long. Contrast this with a typical business card which will contain ~150+ letters of contact information. Using a business card which carries a C2PC web address means a recipient can enter all your details (and even extra information not on your business card) using a 10th of the keystrokes, and error free.

Your C2PC web address is not limited to use on your business card. For instance, if you need to communicate your full contact details to a new associate via the telephone, you can give them your C2PC address instead of all your contact information. The person can then use this address to capture all your details without mistakes into their address book.

Which card would be more likely to make it into your address book?


Below is a sample business card which carries a C2PC address. Enter c2pc.com/+F5TP in your browser's address box, or click here to see how easy it is to add this card to your address book.

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